Friday, April 20, 2012

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: April 21st to April 27th 2012


You are strong and capable, and these things shine through at work. Something has been troubling you lately, probably at work, and the clarity of the week allows you to see this problem without the fog that has been following you around. This problem is probably not as inconvenient as you think. A little creativity will go a long way.


If you’ve been struggling with organization lately, now is the time to get your paperwork in order. You’ll feel better once the practical stuff is dealt with. You’ll also be especially intuitive this week, so trust your instincts. They’ll likely be spot on throughout the week.


This week is looking up, Gemini. Financially, you will do well if you are careful. If you’ve been planning a new business venture, this could be the week to get started. Socially, this is also a good week. Keep your eyes open for new and interesting friends. They’ll turn up in the most unexpected places.


Things should go well for you, as long as you are polite and considerate. If you’re not … people in your life will notice and not appreciate it. Harmony through the entire week is certainly possible, but it won’t just happen. Try initiating a good deed and see what happens.


Business is looking up, but be careful. Someone is just waiting for you to make a mistake. They’ll try to take advantage in a subtle way, so be prepared. However, this week really does look good from a business and financial standpoint, so if you’re careful, you might not make that mistake at all.


Work isn’t everything, even to the conscientious Virgo. Take the time for family and friends and you’ll find your week looking up. Consider planning a get-together where you invite everyone you’re feeling close to before the week is out. This could net some unexpected rewards.


You’ll be busy this week, Libra, but don’t let things get too hectic. You might want to volunteer, socialize, and run a dozen errands, but if you don’t take a few minutes to sit down, you’ll find yourself drained and resentful before the week is through. Your energy is not limitless, so conserve what you have.


It’s time to cooperate, Scorpio. Even if you don’t want to. Even if you’d rather be on your own. Those people close to you are in no mood for your standoffish ways, so suck it up and get involved. You might just find that you have a good time in the process. And you’ll impress those people who mean the most to you.


You have a quick mind that moves into overdrive this week. Look for ways to express your creativity and enhance your own experiences in life. Additionally, there might be an opportunity to advance your career or even change careers. Keep your eyes and ears open so you don’t watch it fly by.


If you’re feeling nostalgic this week, go with it. You’re a Capricorn. It happens sometimes. It’s okay to talk about the past or gravitate to the friends who’ve known you the longest. But don’t get too caught up in the past or you’ll miss something blooming in your future.


Aquarius has the unique ability to feel lonely even when surrounded by loved ones. If this is you this week, reach out and connect with the people who matter most. They’re not ignoring you on purpose. It’s more likely that they simply don’t understand you. It’s up to you to make the first move.


Things are still confusing, but they will slowly get better. In the meantime, spread your wings and have a little fun. Try not to think about work or other responsibilities for a little while. You need and deserve a little break. If things get a little crazy, simply enjoy it.

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