Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Details of Aries

The first of the sun signs is Aries, and those born between March 21st and April 19th are often under its influence. Aries can be strong willed and stubborn, and are often natural leaders, but there is much more to untangling the intricacies of anyone exhibiting the classic traits of this sun sign. Many times, the personality of Aries is discussed, but the details are quite frequently ignored.

The Aries Personality

Astrology can be a tricky thing. Half science, half art, and filled with speculation, creating personality profiles for people born under a specific sign is a complex process involving many different factors. In regards to Aries, these factors come together to describe someone who is often active, energetic, and excitable.

Aries is a cardinal, masculine fire sign. Masculine signs are outwardly directed and strong through action. Cardinal signs are outgoing, and tend to start things but not finish them. Those born under a fire sign are passionate and enthusiastic. Together, these three things indicate a person who might be impulsive and optimistic, open to change, but unlikely to see their ideas to fruition.

Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, an ancient god of war, aggression, and conflict. Mars rules over fire and danger, and the influence of Mars can foster tension and aggression. Those born under a sign ruled by Mars might be prone to accidents. These accidents are probably due to careless born out of impatience or anger.

The primary symbol of Aries is the ram. The ram is assertive, sexual, and able to overcome many obstacles to achieve success. The glyph (written symbol) of Aries represents the nose and horns of the ram. Those ruled by the ram may be comfortable with authority and leadership, and tend to excel when placed in situations that require these traits. However, they may attempt to seize this role when it is not appropriate, leading to hurt feelings.

The Correspondences of Aries

Each sign has certain classic correspondences. These are fairly traditional, meaning that they have not changed very much over the history of astrology. These are less based on science and more based on observation and historical connections.

Each sign rules a particular part of the body. Aries rules the head. People born under the sign of Aries may be prone to headaches. They also may experience minor injuries to the head and face more frequently than other body parts.

Tuesday is considered to be the blessed day for an Aries, and the numbers one and nine are often considered lucky. Diamonds are also associated with Aries, and are said to attract love, financial success, and luck in many ventures. The diamond is considered particularly lucky for an Aries if it is worn on the left side of the body.

Some other correspondences for the sign of Aries are:
  • Red, the color of excitement and fire
  • Cities such as Florence, Naples, Marseilles, and Verona
  • Countries such as Poland, England, and Germany
  • Any thorn-bearing trees
  • Flowers in the geranium, honeysuckle, or sweet pea families
  • Iron
  • Sheep and rams
Many of the details associated with Aries are connected to fire and danger. Those born under the sign of Aries may be susceptible to harm from fire or sharp instruments. Other possible dangers include accidents involving high speeds. Aries may be prone to getting themselves into violent and dangerous situations.

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Personality of Aries

Those born between March 21st and April 19th are born under the sign of Aries, the first of the sun signs. This sign symbolizes new beginnings and strong leadership. Aries is the sign of the Ram, and individuals with this trait often express the words, “I am.”

Though the sun sign isn’t the only part of astrology, it is an important part. Though moon signs, aspects, and houses are also important, a birth chart is primarily based upon the sun sign.

The Character of Aries

If you were born under the sign of Aries, you may have a restless character, and are likely an activist and doer. New plans and ideas can be irresistible to you, and you have the tendency to plunge right in. You like to be the center of action, and you are usually a natural leader. You often knew from a young age that you were headed for success, and will stop at nothing to achieve your goals.

As an Aries, you are prone to taking any gamble, following any dream, and pursuing any goal with enthusiasm. You are a natural optimist, and though there may be an inner insecurity, you hide it well. Though sometimes prone to being a little moody, this never lasts long for Aries. You can quickly become distracted by something more exciting than depression.

Many born under the sign of Aries have difficulty in finishing what they have begun. They are the starters of the world, not the finishers. Sometimes you’ll spread yourself too thin, commit yourself to too many projects, and this leads to none of them being finished.

Aries are highly independent, and often resent having to follow orders. As an Aries, you may want to run the show. If you can’t be in charge, you’ll often either try to change the situation, or you’ll look for a new one that will allow your natural abilities to shine.

You may have an aggressive and combative spirit that cannot be broken by anyone. You are generally honest, but you may resort to telling a lie if seems like it will gain you something. However, being a poor liar, others usually see right through you. You often lack tack and diplomacy, but you don’t usually intend to hurt anyone.

You’ll sometimes speak without thinking, and you’ll usually come to regret this. And though lucky with money, you may have difficulty holding onto it. You might run up high bills, but you also find a way to pay off what you owe, eventually, for Aries has too much pride to be indebted to anyone for any length of time.

The Sign of Aries and Its Relationship With Others

Others may see you as vibrant, talkative, and exciting. If someone brings up a new topic, you will often wholeheartedly tell them exactly what you think about it, hardly letting anyone else get a word in edgewise. Though this may irritate some people, they also learn to respect you for your forthrightness.

You will usually do whatever you can to help a friend in need, putting all your many talents and abilities to good use. However, at the end of the day, you tend to expect to get the credit for the aid you have provided. If you do not, you are less likely to help that same friend again.

In many instances, you may take offense at the smallest thing, and your temper tends to run hot. You generally have a low tolerance for boredom, and you lose interest in many things quickly. Sometimes you become bored even with the friends you have, and have the tendency to walk away from some powerful friendships. The plodding and patient type typically bores you, and you’ll often find yourself confused as to how these people attain success before you do. If these people were once your friends, you may find yourself resentful of them.

Aries is a powerful sign of leadership and energy. Those born under this sign are usually the leaders of the world, the great generators of ideas, though they usually do not see these ideas to fruition. The correspondences of Aries are a powerful influence on this sign, and contribute to the pure power or Aries.

The Sun Signs of Western Astrology

The sun sign is only one aspect of western astrology. It is the broad essence from which an astrological birth chart can be created. There are twelve sun signs, and these are:
  • Aries;
  • Taurus;
  • Gemini;
  • Cancer;
  • Leo;
  • Virgo;
  • Libra;
  • Scorpio;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Capricorn;
  • Aquarius; and
  • Pisces.
Each of these sun signs has specific associations and meanings. When astrology was in its infancy, Greek thought focused on what would become known as the Hermetic Theory. This stated that the human body was a miniature version of the universe, so everything in the universe was reflected in some way in the body. Out of this concept grew a vast system of correspondences for the twelve astrological sun signs.

Dualities of the Sun Signs

Most things in the world are divided into masculine and feminine. It makes sense that astrological signs would be as well. This is the duality of the signs. Today, most astrologers will agree that the masculine signs are strong through action, and outwardly directed. The feminine signs are strong through inner reserves, and inwardly directed.
  • Aries;
  • Gemini;
  • Leo;
  • Libra;
  • Sagittarius; and
  • Aquarius.
The feminine signs are:
  • Taurus;
  • Cancer;
  • Virgo;
  • Scorpio;
  • Capricorn; and
  • Pisces.
Triplicities of the Sun Signs

The twelve sun signs are also divided into four groups, each containing three signs, which are associated with the four elements — Earth, Air, Fire, and Water. These are the triplicities of the signs. Each element has certain qualities and characteristics.
  • Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are signs of the element of Earth. They are practical, wise, and stable.
  • Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius are signs of the element of Air. They are intellectual, creative, and communicative.
  • Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are signs of the element of Fire. They are active, passionate, and enthusiastic.
  • Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are signs of the element of Water. They are emotional, nurturing, and intuitive.
Quadruplicities of the Sun Signs

The sun signs of western astrology are also divided into three groups, each containing four signs. Each of these groups has a certain quality — cardinal, fixed, or mutable. These qualities signify interaction with the outside world.
  • Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn are the cardinal signs. These signs are outgoing and enterprising, and the initiators of the world. They start things, but rarely finish them.
  • Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius are the fixed signs. They are resistant to change, but very persistent. These people may not necessarily be initiators, but they are perfectionists, and they finish tasks that others may abandon.
  • Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces are the mutable signs. These signs are flexible, adaptable, and versatile. They can adapt to many different circumstances, and tend to react, rather than act.
Polarities of the Sun Signs

Finally, the sun signs are divided into six groups, each containing two signs. These are the polarities, and each group of two signs are considered opposites of each other, meaning they express opposite characteristics.
  • Aries are Libra are a polarity. Ares is the sign of self, while Libra is the sign of partnership.
  • Taurus and Scorpio are a polarity. Taurus is the sign of personal possessions, while Scorpio is the sign of shared possessions.
  • Gemini and Sagittarius are a polarity. Gemini is the sign of self-expression, while Sagittarius is the sign of philosophy and higher thinking.
  • Cancer and Capricorn are a polarity. Cancer is the sign of home life, while Capricorn is the sign of public life.
  • Leo and Aquarius are a polarity. Leo is the sign of personal pleasure and creativity, while Aquarius is the sign of large-scale hopes and ideals.
  • Virgo and Pisces are a polarity. Virgo is the sign of work and self-improvement, while Pisces is the sign of dreams and self-delusion.
No two signs are exactly alike. For example, Aquarius is the only masculine, air, fixed sign. Gemini is also masculine and air, but it is a mutable sign. So, where Aquarius is outwardly directed, creative, and a perfectionist, Gemini is outwardly directed, creative, and adaptable.

Sun signs are only one part of astrology, and cannot be used to predict the personality of anyone without other important components, such as moon signs, houses, and aspects.

Friday, April 22, 2011

An Introduction to Western Astrology

Western astrology is a complex and mysterious art. It allows the serious student to reach a truer understanding of self, and has come to be known as the path to the deeper self. Astrology is the world’s oldest science, and has begun to make a comeback. The majority of newspapers and magazines in the western world have some type of astrology column, and astrology is even popping up at some universities as a legitimate course.

However, despite the huge amount of interest in the subject, the general public actually knows very little of this fascinating science. Most people will read an astrology column on occasion, and some will pick up a book now and again, but few take the time to understand astrology and its nuances.

What is Western Astrology?

Almost everyone knows that astrology is the study of the planets and how they affect your life. Most people also know that astrologers believe that the movement and positions of these planets will have a corresponding effect on life on Earth.

Astrology is much more than this. Astrology is a science. Its practice requires an astrologer to calculate and create a birth chart, and this is a complicated process involving ascendant and descendant signs, sun and moon signs, and a knowledge of the houses of astrology; it's a process that requires quite a bit of skill.

Astrology is regarded as an art. The interpretation of a fully calculated birth chart is a difficult process by which an astrologer determines the exact meaning of the information presented. This is much more complicated than stating: “The Aries is apt to be a leader.” Interpreting astrology to its fullest extent requires years of study and practice.

Astrology is a form of divination. The idea behind using astrology to predict the future relates to the positions and movements of the planets. It is thought that if a particular pattern repeats itself, then conditions here on Earth will also repeat themselves. Most astrologers do not try to predict specific events, but focus on trends that are apt to develop.

Components of Western Astrology

Astrology is much more complicated than most people realize. Some of the components of modern astrology include:
  • Sun signs
  • Moon signs
  • Ascendannts
  • Descendants
  • Houses
  • Aspects
As a result of the complexity of astrology, a true astrological reading will never be found in your local newspaper. A birth chart is unique to each individual, and must be created and interpreted by a qualified astrologer.