Friday, June 24, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: June 25th to July 1st 2011


You’ll feel the need to speak your mind this week, Aries. While Mars is encouraging you to express yourself, take care. The Sun and Pluto are at odds, meaning that this tendency to speak out might land you in a situation where you come face to face with someone you might rather have avoided. Rein in your impulses and pick the time and place to speak your mind.


This could be a restless week for you, Taurus. This might become an issue both at work and at home, so make some changes if you must. Since you might be especially persuasive this week, consider asking for something that you want, such as a promotion. You just might get it.


Your intellect is your strength this week, Gemini. Mars begins to have some effect on you, helping you to be more direct and a little less whimsical. This is generally a good thing, as it allows you to express how you really feel, but beware of being too direct. You might find yourself insulting someone you care deeply about.


You might finally have had your fill this week, Cancer. The urge to stand up for yourself could be overwhelming, but also welcome. Before you pick a fight, however, check your motivations. You might find that you’re acting out of insecurity or fear.


It’s possible that you’ll feel at odds with yourself this week, Leo. One half of you may be longing for freedom while the other is striving to be responsible. This inner conflict can be frustrating and difficult to resolve. Take the time to explore your goals in life before you decide which way to leap.


A surge of confidence is to be expected this week, Virgo. This could be short-lived, however, so take advantage of it while it lasts. Put yourself forward whenever you can. Remember that someone will always disagree with you, so try not to let this spoil your week.


There’s something waiting for you just over the horizon this week, Libra. It just might be the opportunity you’ve been hoping for. However, you might decide to let this pass you by, because to claim it, you’ll have to give something up. Decide how much you’re willing to sacrifice before you set out.


The unexpected might throw you for a loop this week, Scorpio. If this bothers you, try to limit surprises. Talk things through with others before you commit to anything and plan your week. There’s nothing inherently wrong with surprises, but you might not be up for them this week.


Your love life might take center stage this week, Sagittarius. You might find that you’re suddenly more intense and passionate than usual. This could be a good time to spice up your current romance. At work and at home, you might feel the need to be more direct.


Your desire to work hard reappears this week, Capricorn. You’re committed to doing things well, but your tendency to criticize might get you into trouble. You might think that others aren’t pulling their weight, but if you’re harsh about this, you’ll only put people off while accomplishing nothing.


Mars is still keeping your energies high this week, Aquarius. Venus increases your desire to have fun. Let both planets have their way and get yourself out there. Explore and experiment, but be cautious. There’s trouble waiting if you’re not careful.


Too many people may be demanding your attention this week, Pisces. One may be someone close to you, perhaps a romantic partner, while the other is a friend or work acquaintance. If you take the time to plan carefully, you might be able to get through the week without offending anyone important to you or your career.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: June 18th to June 24th 2011


You might benefit by turning your focus towards home this week, Aries. There may be challenges at work that drain your energy, so try creating a sanctuary at home. If things at work truly become unbearable, you might want to organize a home office and explore the idea of working from home.


You might feel the overwhelming desire to express yourself and your ideas this week, Taurus. You’ve been too quiet in recent weeks, so explore this impulse. Your energy is high, so take advantage of it to accomplish some of those goals you may have found impossible. They may seem easier to attain this week.


You might find new ways to use old skills this week, Gemini. Your mind may have seen muddled in the past weeks, but now it begins to clear. As your ideas clarify themselves, you’ll find your innate creativity begin to take over. This could lead you in new directions, so be open to new possibilities.


Mercury’s influence may have you feeling more positive this week, Cancer. This may help you come out of your shell and interact with others. However, on the home front, a relationship may be in a state of flux. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, so face the situation head on.


You’d be well advised to pay attention to the little details this week, Leo. Mars may be heightening your confidence but it may also make you sloppy. Those little things you thought wouldn’t matter may come back to haunt you.


You’re quite popular this week, Virgo. However, not everyone will love you, so be prepared for someone to attempt to stab you in the back. Group gatherings may turn political, so be careful as you bask in the adoration of your friends and family.


You might feel a little bored this week, Libra. But something that will engage you mind and body is lurking around the corner, so go looking for it. This may be the opportunity to redecorate your home, a visit with an old friend, or the chance to take a much needed vacation.


Mars is influencing you this week, Scorpio. This can set off your passions in many areas of your life, so try to keep a cool head. You might feel the urge to get angry at the little things, but remember, they are just the little things. Try to let them go if at all possible. Before long, there will be something else to occupy your attention.


Let your diplomatic self take center stage this week, Sagittarius. You might find yourself confronted in many areas of your life, including financial, spiritual, and romantic. You do have the ability to work these problems out if you simply relax and focus.


Prepare for disagreements this week, Capricorn. Mercury and Pluto are in opposition, disrupting the calm you prefer. You might find yourself thinking that people are disagreeing just to be disagreeable, and this may very well be the case. Keep a level head and stay true to what you know is right.


You might find yourself unexpectedly emotional this week, Aquarius. Mars may be keeping your energies high, but this may not be a good thing. You’ll experience a rollercoaster of emotions, both the highs and the lows. Try to step back from this and see things how they really are.


Tension invades your home this week, Pisces. You and those close to you may seem to be at odds constantly. However, you really all want the same thing. Take a few minutes to sit down and discuss what you’re after and you may find your week turning around.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: June 11th to June 17th 2011

There is a little something for every sign this week, from June 11th – June 17th, 2011.


Venus and the Sun are helpful this week for Aries. Your popularity may increase and people are paying more attention to what you have to say. Take advantage of this to put your ideas and goals forward. Financially, Jupiter arrives in your money zone, so you’re set up for success. You’ll have to act quickly if you want to claim this success, however.


This week brings confidence to Taurus. Jupiter comes forth to spark your creativity and you begin to feel more secure about your own talents. You still might feel the need for the approval of others, but this is quickly fading. Get ready to take the world by storm.


Something new approaches Gemini this week. This might be a new career, hobby, romance, or even a trip to the spa for a makeover. Despite your recent focus on the future, you might feel drawn to a specific person in the past, likely an old friend. This friendship (or romance) may not have ended well and you feel compelled to try again. Think this over carefully, remembering that the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.


Cancer, can be a bit of a worrywart, and the Full Moon only enhances this trait. Worrying too much can prevent you from some truly stellar accomplishments, so share your worries with a friend you may help you alleviate them. This week, you should also beware assumptions. Don’t act without all the facts or you’ll end up looking the fool.


Your friends are a great resource this week, Leo. You might make business connections through some of your friends or even start a new romance. Get out with friends and make the most of this week’s planetary alignments. Also, look for all those little things that have been going wrong to be set right.


Education is very important this week, Virgo. Look for opportunities to use education to improve your employment situation. This might be a class or seminar being offered by your company to increase your suitability for a promotion. Perhaps you wish to return to school and learn an entirely different trade. If either of these ideas have been floating around your mind, act on them.


You may have noticed that you and a friend or partner have been less than honest with each other lately, Libra. It may be time to change this. Take the time to let the truth come to the surface. This will enable both of you to assess where your friendship or romance is going with open eyes. Don’t be afraid of the changes this may bring. Also, if you’ve felt held back in recent weeks, you may finally find a sense of freedom and balance.


You might find yourself meeting someone new this week, Scorpio. This will spark a new relationship, whether a friendship, business relationship, spiritual partner, or something more romantic in nature. Don’t turn this person away. Financially, things look good, but use caution. Something may not be exactly as it seems.


Romance may have been a challenge recently, Sagittarius. If this has been the case, you might feel the urge to walk away from a current relationship or give up on finding love. Take a moment to relax and don’t act too hastily. Venus may improve your love life, if you give it a chance. In order for this change to present itself, however, you must be willing to compromise.


You might find yourself facing a hypocrite this week, Capricorn, either at work or at home. Someone may be going behind your back and trying to make you look bad, all the while appearing to be a friend. Don’t overreact and don’t retaliate. Take the high road and focus on ensuing you come off as blameless in this situation.


Venus may give your love life a boost, Aquarius. Whether you’re searching for a new love or looking to enhance your current relationship, things are going well for you. And with Saturn emerging from months of retrograde, you feel freer than you have in months. Expand your horizons and let your creativity soar.


Home is your focus this week, Pisces. Specifically, you might be overcome with the urge to beautify your home or garden. Go with it, as you’ve probably been putting off redecorating for some time now. This focus on home may be a result of problems at work, which will eventually need to be confronted. A change in career may be coming. Perhaps you’ll even start a career than allows you to work from your newly beautified home.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: June 4th to June 10th 2011

There is a little something for every sign this week, from June 4th – June 10th, 2011.


Mercury is active and supported by Saturn for the powerful Aries. This means that your business or career life may take off. Expect to be busy and in demand. Revel in it, but remember that success requires hard work. Jupiter may be influencing your financial position in a positive way, but you still need to be careful with your money.


This week brings a unique combination for the practical Taurus. Venus, Mars, and Jupiter are all present in your sign, lining up to give you confidence and happiness. Jupiter brings you luck in money and Venus may herald the start of a new relationship or the revitalization of an old one.


Ruled by Mercury, Gemini tends to be a contradictory sign at the best of times. You may feel as if you’re being pulled in a thousand different directions this week as Mercury returns to your sun sigh. Do yourself a favor and pick a direction and move in it. Otherwise you may end up acting rashly, which you may come to regret.


As a Cancer, you often find yourself drawn to the unknown or the paranormal. Now these subjects may truly start to fascinate you. You may also find yourself thinking about both the future and the past, hoping to find your own connection to each. This is easier to do that you may have anticipated, especially if you share your desires with family or friends.


This is a week to accomplish many goals, Leo. Jupiter can herald success, but only if you’re willing to work for it. Expect that friendship will play a role in your success as the week goes on. This might be a new friend coming into your life or an older friend reemerging.


If you have the chance to take a class you’ve always wanted to, learn a new skill, or even start a new hobby, this is the week to do so, Virgo. You might even consider starting a new business venture. These things may have frightened you in the past, simply because they were unknown to you, but it’s worth the potential risk. However, beware of someone whose motivations are unclear to you.


You might find yourself drawn toward charities this week, Libra. This may mean becoming involved with the charity of your choice to the point where you feel the urge to change careers. You may also find yourself with a renewed interest in higher education. Both of these things are worthy of your attention, both now and in the future.


It’s possible that you’ve been taking people for granted, Scorpio. If so, make an effort to let each and every person in your life know what they mean to you. This will serve to not only enhance your relationships with these people, but also to remind you that these people have value in your life. Focus on your friends and family a little more.


There are many changes coming into your life, Sagittarius, and most of them involve a partner of some kind. At work, your job may be changing for the better thanks to a valued colleague. Your love life may blossom, whether this means meeting a new person or improving your existing relationship. It is also possible that you will experience change on a more spiritual level.


Your creativity may reach new heights this week, Capricorn. This could lead to praise at work or even a raise or promotion. You might feel tempted to focus solely on work as your creative energies flow, but don’t forget about your family and friends. They need a little of your attention as well.


The flighty Aquarius may have found common sense difficult to come by in recent weeks. However, this week you manage to marry your eccentricity with common sense to the relief of those intimately involved in your life. It might seem that this would dampen your sense of wonder and expectation, but it may serve to only enhance your home and work life.


Jupiter and Neptune set off your imagination this week, Pisces. You might find yourself fascinated by technology, movies, music, and even the written word, but for no apparent reason. Let your imagination take flight and make use of these things as it will. It might set you on a new or improved path in life.