The Tenth House is at the top of the horoscope.
Since the Tenth House is opposite the Fourth House, the basic meaning of the
Tenth House could be summed up as Where
you are going. The Tenth House rules the career. The opposite of the Fourth
House’s security of the home and hearth, the Tenth House indicates Fame and
honor within the general public. The two houses are not exactly opposite in
meaning. Instead, with their concern for the external part of our lives, they’re
rather like two sides of the same coin.
The Fourth House is like the mother,
encouraging security and nurturing. The Tenth House, however, is more the
father, stern and insisting that you make your way in the world. You are
encouraged to take the security of the Fourth House and go out into the world,
taking chances and putting yourself out there. These two connected houses are
really like two parents, each encouraging you towards a single goal — preparing
the child for an independent and fulfilling life. Please note that these mother
and father archetypes are just that — archetypes. Not all women fit the role of
nurturer and not all men are stern. They’re archetypes, not stereotypes.
The Tenth House is ruled by the planet Saturn
and the sign of Capricorn.