Friday, July 29, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: July 30th to August 5th 2011


Things calm down a little this week, Aries. Take the time to relax and maybe turn in early a night or two. You could use the rest, especially since there may be a situation at works that demands your full attention. Watch out for someone in the workplace who’s been picking at you behind your back.


You might experience a creative flair this week, Taurus. This could manifest itself in many ways. You might want to redecorate your house or write a book, or anything in between. Give in to this desire and have fun with it. But beware. A close friend is playing things close to his or her chest, and you may be caught off guard.


This may be a week of confusion, Gemini. You have your ruler, Mercury, to thank for that. Misunderstandings may flourish, but you can nip these in the bud with a little diplomacy and understanding. Don’t jump to conclusions. Instead spend some time gathering the information you need to make a sound judgment.


After weeks of being unable to commit, you may find yourself with renewed determination, Cancer. This determination can translate to increased self-confidence and self-esteem, making you more attractive in both business and love. Look for new opportunities that are a direct result of your own determination to better yourself.


Don’t count your chicken before they hatch, Leo. Things may seem straightforward, but something moves under the surface that you had no way of anticipating. Double-check your facts before making any commitments, especially when it comes to financial matters.


Your heart may be ruling your head this week, Virgo. Try not to let your erratic emotions ruin what you have accomplished. Keep yourself centered and balanced and you’ll come out the other side of this emotional week in a better position to deal with both your work and home life.


Change is inevitable this week, Libra. It will be impossible to prepare for everything this week will throw your way. Take a deep breath and deal with things as they come. Put aside old anxieties and face all aspects of your life with confidence. Just remember to be realistic in your expectations.


Home like can be confusing this week, Scorpio. It may feel that other family members no longer take an interest in your life, but this may not be the case. Everyone needs a little time to themselves, so try to give others a little space. Focus your energies on other aspects of your life instead.


You may feel like expanding your horizons this week, Sagittarius. However, you may need to tend to matters at home before you can shoot off in another direction. There could be an issue developing with your property that you haven’t been aware of and this could throw a wrench into your plans. Take the time to tend to this matter before it gets worse.


Try to be fair in all your dealings this week, Capricorn. A business associate may make a promise or pledge that they have no intention of keeping. Ask for confirmation in writing just to cover yourself or you may live to regret it. Don’t be afraid to stick up for yourself at home and at work.


Financial and business matters are a little rocky this week, Aquarius. Read over contracts carefully before signing and watch what you say to colleagues or it might come back to haunt you. In love, you might find yourself lucky. But if you really like someone, you need to know when to back off.


Relationships are never easy, Pisces. Try not to overreact with your family and friends, and be especially careful of how you deal with your partner or potential partner this week. They may be feeling overlooked and this can lead to problems down the road. At work, you find encounter a cagey colleague. Charm them with your natural wit until they come around.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: July 23rd to July 29th 2011


You might find that you return to your spontaneous self this week, Aries. Follow your instincts and you will accomplish your goals more often than not. Beware, however, for those situations where following these same instincts will only get you in trouble.


Your emotions have been wreaking havoc this week, Taurus. Take the time to understand your emotions and where they’re coming from to better control yourself. This could prove necessary as your home life becomes a little more volatile.


You might feel the need to avoid clingy friends and relatives, Gemini. You feel like you need to be one the go and accomplishing your goals and want to spend little time tending the needs of others. If you’ve spent much of the last few weeks looking after everyone else, it might not be such a bad time to look after yourself.


This is an unpredictable week for you, Cancer. While this may seem upsetting on the surface as your home and work lives are disrupted, there is a silver lining. Look for an opportunity that might not otherwise have presented itself.


This week might feel like a fresh start, Leo. Have faith in yourself as you pursue new thoughts and fresh ideas. You have the abilities to accomplish much this week, you only have to find the courage to use them.


You may feel like taking some financial risks this week, Virgo. But this may not be the best time to do so. Instead, take a look at your current financial situation and see where you might make a few small adjustments. Leave the risks for a more favorable week.


This week is looking good for you, Libra. Your hopes and dreams seem to be close at hand and much nearer than you’ve ever thought possible. However, you may not have total support for your endeavors at home. Try not to let this stop you.


There’s room for progress this week, Scorpio. However, if you want to accomplish anything significant, be prepared to give something up. This sacrifice may be small or large and will probably be emotionally, but it will be necessary. Also get ready to make some snap decisions.


You’ve been holding yourself back in recent weeks, Sagittarius. It’s time to let the adventurous side of you rise to the surface. The week may turn unpredictable, but if you let your instincts guide you, you will navigate the entire situation with poise and calm.


The strain from last week will likely continue well into this week, Capricorn. However, you might find yourself fed up with this and make the decision to change the situation. This may become the catalyst for reconnecting with your loved ones.


You’ve always been known for your off-the-wall ideas, Aquarius. And now you are a true visionary, filled with ideas that can really help further your long-term goals. However, you may need help to put these ideas into motion. Seek out someone close to you who believes in you and your vision.


Be prepared to encounter change this week, Pisces. It might seem as if nothing in your life will stay the same, but this state of flux is only temporary. If you’re looking to be successful, take advantage of all the changes and seek out a new way to improve your financial situation.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: July 16th to July 22nd 2011


Conflict might be inevitable this week, Aries. Expect to be challenged and to do some challenging yourself. Much of this conflict will be centered around work and home. Your social life, however, will really blossom. A new friend might enter your life.


You might be feeling restless this week, Taurus. Resist the urge to get involved in too many projects at once. Instead, cure your restless side with activity. Keep yourself busy without overextending. Otherwise you’ll only end up short tempered. In your work life, your stubbornness and practicality will finally pay off.


Don’t take anything for granted, Gemini. If you’ve made plans with others, either at work or home, make sure everyone knows their part in those plans. If you don’t double check something, you might come to regret it.


Try not to let your work life affect your romantic relationship, Cancer. Do what you can to keep work conflict at work and spare your family and friends your uncharacteristic temper this week. Your family will thank you for it later. Also try to remember that you can’t keep everyone happy all of the time.


Uranus is influencing you this week, Leo. This means that you might find yourself reacting to pressures and situations that you thought were behind you. You also might find yourself giving into a desire for adventure and freedom and resenting those things people who have stood in your way. Take stock of your situation before jumping to conclusions. You might be standing in your own way.


You could find yourself playing your cards close to your chest this week, Virgo. Follow this instinct as you might not find support for your latest project at home. You might be looking to advance your career in the future. Keep in mind that it is rare to gain anything without have to sacrifice something else.


Your friends and family might be missing you, Libra. You’ve been ambitious and excited for weeks, and family and friends might not have seen you in a while. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you might want to consider the advice of a friend. A balance between work and home is ideal.


Be prepared to encounter someone as stubborn as you are, Scorpio. This will probably happen at work. If you’ve developed your own way of doing things and it’s always worked for you in the past, you may see little reason to change. However, someone strong willed might have new and different ideas. It doesn’t hurt to listen.


You might find yourself feeling romantic this week, Sagittarius. However, your partner, or potential partner, may not entirely appreciate your desire to do your own thing. Try to understand their point of view and possible compromise. Spending time together can help the relationship bloom.


Platonic relationships may be strained this week, Capricorn. You may have your own ideas when it comes to how everyone should react to you and what you do, but your ideas are a little confusing. As are your actions. It can be difficult to people to understand your constantly changing moods. In the business world, however, this tendency pays off.


Your mind and body might be overwhelmed by your devotion to your job, Aquarius. The time to take a break and just relax is near at hand. If you’ve been moody and nervous, you need to spend some time recharging. This isn’t slacking off. It’s making sure you’re at your best.


You’ve always been one for following your heart, Pisces. Now is no different. However, the decision you have to make now might involve having to choose between heart and head. This choice will be difficult, but once you’ve made it, you’ll feel better about yourself and the situation itself.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: July 9th to July 15th 2011


Pluto moves on and tensions ease a bit this week, Aries. This might seem like a good thing, but Venus shows up and not necessarily to do you any favors. You might face a lot of flattery and promises, but keep your guard up. The flattery might be insincere and the promises false as someone tries to take advantage of you.


You might feel like gaining some freedom this week, Taurus. There’s no harm in stretching your wings a little, though this might make you nervous. An encounter early in the week might boost your confidence, but still keep one eye open. Something or someone might be coming just over the horizon that you might not be prepared for.


Mars gives you the energy to start new projects this week, Gemini. However, Mars increases your tendency to not finish what you start. That’s okay for this week, as your creative juices are running high, but try to keep track. You should eventually go back and finish these things, as they hold great potential.


This is a week to work toward you hopes and dreams, Cancer. However, a friend or family member who needs you might interrupt your plans. Try not to be resentful, because a solution is in the making. Keep your eyes open for the one friend who might be able to smooth everything out and make sure your priorities and responsibilities are well balanced.


The last year may have been irritating, Leo. It may have seemed that everyone was overlooking what you had to contribute and refused to consider the ideas you had. This week that finally begins to change as someone truly hears what you have to say and thinks about it. Let things sit and see where they stand next week.


You find yourself still having to juggle you social life, Virgo. Even your own sense of order is taken to the extreme when you have to schedule all your free time. Remember that the only reason you’ve had to do this is because you have many friends who value the time they spend with you. Financially, you may have been feeling the pinch lately. It might be a good time to start looking for bargains.


Spend some time planning this week, Libra. Your interests have expanded and there are so many things you’d like to pursue that you feel you just don’t have the time. You might be able to fit everything in, if you sacrifice a little. However, a better alternative might be to prioritize. Especially since something new is on the horizon.


Someone will have an idea that really grabs your attention this week, Scorpio. Try to remember that it’s the idea that your attached to, not the person. This will help you avoid disappointment in the long run. Someone from your past might suddenly reappear in your life, but you won’t be entirely certain that this is a good thing.


You’re looking for a challenge this week, Sagittarius. A friend might provide this by standing up to your almost-overshadowing presence. You’ll respect and appreciate their friendship even more for this. Beware of arguing over money this week; you probably won’t win the fight and it’s likely avoidable anyway.


Beware your own motives this week, Capricorn. Venus and Pluto are head to head, and this means you might be prone to manipulating both situations and people. Try to understand why you’re doing these things. Are you really hoping to make things better? Or are you simply trying to remind yourself of how in control you are?


You’ve probably felt quite frustrated lately, Aquarius. However, now is the time for these feelings to resolve themselves as you experience a resurgence in creativity. Focus on your creative outlets and you’ll find yourself more relaxed and ready to accept what  might be heading your way. The beginning of the week, however, might get off to a rocky start.


You might find yourself full of pent up energy this week, Pisces. You might have so much energy that you flit from project to project, both at work and at home. When you do make some progress, try to let someone know. Otherwise, you’ll find that you’re simply irritating your coworkers and family.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: July 2nd to July 8th 2011


The eclipse may strengthen your connection to your home this week, Aries. You may feel the desire for something better and be tempted to either move or renovate. This might be a good time to do either of these things. Your work life, however, may be far from harmonious. You might have to make an effort to keep work and home separate.


Discussions could degenerate into arguments this week, Taurus. Your traditional stubbornness might do more harm than good, so let your charming side out to play. If you’re looking for some relaxation, try something creative such as writing or painting; you never know what might come of it. You might be surprised by a member of your family, but it will be a good surprise.


Keep an open mind this week, Gemini. You might find yourself in a tough situation, financially or otherwise, but if you are creative and willing to accept new ideas, you should whether the present situation easily. If you must, rely on one of your more unique friends. He or she might have an idea that can trigger a wonderful opportunity.


The urge to start something new or improve something old is powerful this week, Cancer. Give in to this desire as it will lead you down a path you might not otherwise have chosen. Someone you know might not approve and this can cause conflict. However, it’s nothing you can’t deal with, provided you are patient and understanding of their opinion.


You may feel more focused on the moment this week, Leo. The past few weeks may have seen you preoccupied with the past and those things you cannot change. You may have even doubted your ability to cope with the present. Now, however, these doubts begin to fade away, giving you back your confidence. Use this confidence to get something accomplished.


Be prepared to change your mind, Virgo. You may encounter multiple situations that require you to reevaluate how you relate to others. Don’t be afraid to change your thinking. Socially, you might find yourself having fun, but disappointment might be just around the corner. Guard your secrets well, for someone might betray a confidence.


Learn to adjust quickly this week, Libra. Opportunities might be thrown at you fast enough to disrupt your life; if you want to make the most of them, you’ll have to act quickly. Take the time to balance your life, especially when it comes to how much time you spend at work, and you’ll find yourself better able to cope with the unexpected.


Disagreements are in the cards for you this week, Scorpio. Probably more than just one or two. Try not to take any of these personally and be prepared to agree to disagree in many circumstances. This isn’t the time to discuss endlessly until others are convinced of your point of view. Instead, acknowledge that others might also have a valid argument.


This is a week of possibility, Sagittarius. You’ll likely be craving some mental stimulation. You may be able to satisfy this desire by reading a book, attending a festival, seeing a show, or even traveling a bit. Remember to stay grounded  and attend to daily matters are you search for something to occupy your mind.


Focus on creating true partnerships in your life, Capricorn. Lately there may have been too many situations where one person held more power than another in a variety of different relationships. This isn’t a good dynamic right now, even if you’re the one with all the power. This applies all your relationships, not just romantic ones.


It’s time to catch up on those things you’ve put off for too long, Aquarius. You might have a project you want to finish or something you’ve been meaning to start. Scheduling your regular appointments isn’t a bad idea either. Those doctor or dentist appointments that you may have been avoiding might be especially important now.


It’s time to get creative, Pisces. For too long you may have been dismissing your new and unorthodox ideas simply because they’re different. Consider for a moment that they might be the key to your success. You might also encounter some drama this week, but take a step back and you might find that you can avoid the worst of it.