Friday, July 15, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: July 16th to July 22nd 2011


Conflict might be inevitable this week, Aries. Expect to be challenged and to do some challenging yourself. Much of this conflict will be centered around work and home. Your social life, however, will really blossom. A new friend might enter your life.


You might be feeling restless this week, Taurus. Resist the urge to get involved in too many projects at once. Instead, cure your restless side with activity. Keep yourself busy without overextending. Otherwise you’ll only end up short tempered. In your work life, your stubbornness and practicality will finally pay off.


Don’t take anything for granted, Gemini. If you’ve made plans with others, either at work or home, make sure everyone knows their part in those plans. If you don’t double check something, you might come to regret it.


Try not to let your work life affect your romantic relationship, Cancer. Do what you can to keep work conflict at work and spare your family and friends your uncharacteristic temper this week. Your family will thank you for it later. Also try to remember that you can’t keep everyone happy all of the time.


Uranus is influencing you this week, Leo. This means that you might find yourself reacting to pressures and situations that you thought were behind you. You also might find yourself giving into a desire for adventure and freedom and resenting those things people who have stood in your way. Take stock of your situation before jumping to conclusions. You might be standing in your own way.


You could find yourself playing your cards close to your chest this week, Virgo. Follow this instinct as you might not find support for your latest project at home. You might be looking to advance your career in the future. Keep in mind that it is rare to gain anything without have to sacrifice something else.


Your friends and family might be missing you, Libra. You’ve been ambitious and excited for weeks, and family and friends might not have seen you in a while. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, you might want to consider the advice of a friend. A balance between work and home is ideal.


Be prepared to encounter someone as stubborn as you are, Scorpio. This will probably happen at work. If you’ve developed your own way of doing things and it’s always worked for you in the past, you may see little reason to change. However, someone strong willed might have new and different ideas. It doesn’t hurt to listen.


You might find yourself feeling romantic this week, Sagittarius. However, your partner, or potential partner, may not entirely appreciate your desire to do your own thing. Try to understand their point of view and possible compromise. Spending time together can help the relationship bloom.


Platonic relationships may be strained this week, Capricorn. You may have your own ideas when it comes to how everyone should react to you and what you do, but your ideas are a little confusing. As are your actions. It can be difficult to people to understand your constantly changing moods. In the business world, however, this tendency pays off.


Your mind and body might be overwhelmed by your devotion to your job, Aquarius. The time to take a break and just relax is near at hand. If you’ve been moody and nervous, you need to spend some time recharging. This isn’t slacking off. It’s making sure you’re at your best.


You’ve always been one for following your heart, Pisces. Now is no different. However, the decision you have to make now might involve having to choose between heart and head. This choice will be difficult, but once you’ve made it, you’ll feel better about yourself and the situation itself.

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