Friday, February 10, 2012

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: February 11th to February 17th 2012


The influences of Pluto and Venus mean you’re more likely to get what you ask for. So ask away, but only for what you truly desire. Fact is stranger than fiction in your life this week, so roll with it. You might want to watch out for someone trying to chip away at your confidence. A little faith in yourself will go a long way.


The link between Mercury and Neptune might knock you off your center this week. You might find yourself questioning beliefs you’ve had for your entire life, and this might be disturbing. But questioning can be good. Your idealistic nature may also try to take over. Embrace it.


Work may seem a little uncertain at the moment. Look for advice or assistance from someone older and more experienced, but don’t doubt your own instincts. Keep an open mind this week and you’ll find some interesting ideas. But these ideas may be challenging to implement. Stick with it and you’ll find your way.


The urge to travel may be strong. If you can’t actually take a vacation, try indulging in foreign films or music. It’s not as good as the real thing, but it’s still a culturally rich experience that might help suppress the travel bug. Watch closely for an opportunity you’ve been waiting for, but don’t forget to be supportive at home.


Watch your finances this week. Avoid spending money you don’t have and don’t engage in anything too financially risky. Money management is important. If you’re feeling particularly restrained, look to spend some time with a friend who might help you let go.


You might face intense confusion this week, both at work and at home. Take a deep breath and calm your erratic mind. Take a few steps back from any situation that seems too much to handle. Problems may be difficult to solve, but nothing is impossible. Perseverance goes a long way.


This could be a week of surprises and unexpected encounters. Be open to the surprises that are heading your way. One of them might just change your life in a big way. But don’t let these surprises push you into acting without thinking or you’ll end of regretting it.


Your creative side wants a turn, so let it out of its box. This will really help you at work and you’ll get the credit and accolades you deserve. But you’ll have to be diplomatic as well as creative. Otherwise you’ll end up passing all the grunt work to someone else, and this will not endear you to someone higher up the ladder.


You might find yourself drawn toward a change at home. This could be something as simple as rearranging the furniture or adding an addition onto your existing home. Perhaps you’ll consider moving to a new home. But if you do need a change, this is the time to explore your options.


You might yourself in conflict this week. These conflicts can be difficult to resolve, but your imagination has the solution. All you have to do is get all involved parties to sit down and listen to you. Not an easy task, but it’s certainly possible.


You have a unique view of life and it’s something you appreciate and thieve on. However, others are going to have a harder time that usual keeping up with your quick mind. Your tendency is just to brush others off when they don’t quite get you, but try slowing down a little. Take a little time to explain your train of thought and watch the effect it has on others.


If you’ve been trying to live up to your potential, this could be a good week for you. Mercury and Neptune get together in Pisces, unlocking gifts and abilities you may have suppressed. Inspiration may strike unexpectedly. Follow this inspiration wherever it may lead and you may discover what you've been looking for.

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