Your desire to help is high this week, but beware. Someone you trust is just waiting to take advantage of you. If helping out involves finances, don’t risk more money than you can afford to lose. You probably will never get it back. This same person may be attempting to guilt trip you. However, the best way you can help is teach them to manage on their own.
Will power may be an issue this week. You may have difficulty saying, “No,” to a friend are you will probably overindulge in more than one area of your life. Try to resist, but if you can’t, know that this phase will soon pass. Just remember to keep your eyes open for an opportunity that will present itself, but only fleetingly.
Venus is encouraging you to indulge your artistic side. This is a good time to let your creativity out of its box. You’ll appreciate the results. At the same time, Jupiter is interfering by helping you be more sympathetic towards others. Don’t resent this. You’ll come out a stronger person for it.
Keep business and pleasure apart with a 10-foot pole this week, Gemini. There is no good way to mix the two. Not right now, anyway. In your personal life, you’re expecting too much of others. They’re not any more perfect than you are, so have some patience and understanding. Both of these traits will get you a long way.
It might seem that the obstacles in your way are insurmountable, but relax and think before you throw up your hands in despair. Seek the advice of someone more experienced that you and keep a smile on your face. There will be an invitation to a social event that somehow connects to your job, so head on out and have some fun.
Travel will play a part in this week. You may be invited to travel for work, perhaps attending a workshop of seminar, or you might decide to plan a vacation just so you can get away. If you can further your cultural education, so much the better. But don’t travel until your plans are firm. You don’t want to get caught away from home without a plan.
You’ve been doing well financially. At least, you’ve been doing better than you were. But this is no time to take unnecessary risks with your money. If you’re tempted to invest in stocks or real estate, seek the advice of a financial planner before making any decisions. However, a young person close to you may need a little help. It’s in your power to offer aid.
You’re stubborn by nature, Scorpio, but this doesn’t always serve you well. You can be critical and often refuse to change your mind. However, once you’re at the receiving end of this kind of scrutiny, you won’t enjoy it so much. This experience may help you become more accepting of the faults of others.
Your good nature is a positive thing, but beware of promising more than you can deliver. It’s okay to refuse when you are already faced with other commitments. Focus on what you can do and direct anyone with a problem you can’t solve to someone else. If you’ve already overextended yourself, look for someone who can help you meet your obligations.
Things seem a little off this week, but you may not understand why. Something is going on and no one is telling you what that something might be. Not everyone is happy about those positive things that have recently entered your life, but those who are jealous won’t say so directly. They’ll pick at you instead. All you can do is ignore it.
You’re naturally compassionate, but don’t let someone else’s mood bring you down. Stay positive and this week will start looking up. Unfortunately, your good mood encourages others to ask you to mediate disputes, which can put a damper on things. However, you’re fair-minded enough to mediate without causing hurt feelings. Still, watch what you say.
You’ve been busy for weeks. For much of that time, you may have felt like you’re moving toward nothing. Take a breath and relax. A little time for yourself isn’t out of place right now. If you don’t start putting yourself and your health first, you’re going to pay for it down the road. Say, “No,” to those requests that are unreasonable and take the time to find yourself again.
Your desire to help is high this week, but beware. Someone you trust is just waiting to take advantage of you. If helping out involves finances, don’t risk more money than you can afford to lose. You probably will never get it back. This same person may be attempting to guilt trip you. However, the best way you can help is teach them to manage on their own.
Will power may be an issue this week. You may have difficulty saying, “No,” to a friend are you will probably overindulge in more than one area of your life. Try to resist, but if you can’t, know that this phase will soon pass. Just remember to keep your eyes open for an opportunity that will present itself, but only fleetingly.
Venus is encouraging you to indulge your artistic side. This is a good time to let your creativity out of its box. You’ll appreciate the results. At the same time, Jupiter is interfering by helping you be more sympathetic towards others. Don’t resent this. You’ll come out a stronger person for it.
Keep business and pleasure apart with a 10-foot pole this week, Gemini. There is no good way to mix the two. Not right now, anyway. In your personal life, you’re expecting too much of others. They’re not any more perfect than you are, so have some patience and understanding. Both of these traits will get you a long way.
It might seem that the obstacles in your way are insurmountable, but relax and think before you throw up your hands in despair. Seek the advice of someone more experienced that you and keep a smile on your face. There will be an invitation to a social event that somehow connects to your job, so head on out and have some fun.
Travel will play a part in this week. You may be invited to travel for work, perhaps attending a workshop of seminar, or you might decide to plan a vacation just so you can get away. If you can further your cultural education, so much the better. But don’t travel until your plans are firm. You don’t want to get caught away from home without a plan.
You’ve been doing well financially. At least, you’ve been doing better than you were. But this is no time to take unnecessary risks with your money. If you’re tempted to invest in stocks or real estate, seek the advice of a financial planner before making any decisions. However, a young person close to you may need a little help. It’s in your power to offer aid.
You’re stubborn by nature, Scorpio, but this doesn’t always serve you well. You can be critical and often refuse to change your mind. However, once you’re at the receiving end of this kind of scrutiny, you won’t enjoy it so much. This experience may help you become more accepting of the faults of others.
Your good nature is a positive thing, but beware of promising more than you can deliver. It’s okay to refuse when you are already faced with other commitments. Focus on what you can do and direct anyone with a problem you can’t solve to someone else. If you’ve already overextended yourself, look for someone who can help you meet your obligations.
Things seem a little off this week, but you may not understand why. Something is going on and no one is telling you what that something might be. Not everyone is happy about those positive things that have recently entered your life, but those who are jealous won’t say so directly. They’ll pick at you instead. All you can do is ignore it.
You’re naturally compassionate, but don’t let someone else’s mood bring you down. Stay positive and this week will start looking up. Unfortunately, your good mood encourages others to ask you to mediate disputes, which can put a damper on things. However, you’re fair-minded enough to mediate without causing hurt feelings. Still, watch what you say.
You’ve been busy for weeks. For much of that time, you may have felt like you’re moving toward nothing. Take a breath and relax. A little time for yourself isn’t out of place right now. If you don’t start putting yourself and your health first, you’re going to pay for it down the road. Say, “No,” to those requests that are unreasonable and take the time to find yourself again.