Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: April 14th to April 20th 2012


After weeks of possible uncertainty, things start to clarify for you. Your energy is up and your focus is sharper than it’s been in weeks. Plans and opportunities you thought had completely disintegrated are suddenly viable again. Take advantage before they disappear again.


The Sun and Saturn begin fighting over you this week, leaving you feeling pulled in different directions and uncertain where to go. Take a step back and put your priorities in order. Don’t be afraid to say “No” to those things you simply can’t take on. And ask for help with those things you can’t do by yourself.


Things are in a state of flux this week and you may not know whether you’re coming or going. Surprises lurk around every corner, so just go with the flow this week. Don’t get too stressed about those things you can’t control and learn to let go when you must.


Your desire to stay in the comfort of your own home may be running high, but you can’t always get what you want. You may have to step outside your comfort zone, but try embracing new opportunities instead of running from them. Also, watch out for a situation that requires a quick decision.   


You’ll face challenges this week and you’re ready to face them. For the most part. But beware becoming overburdened. If you feel like you really can’t take anymore, take a break before you shatter. There are creative ways to solve your problems, but you’ll have to look for them.


Mars has been a positive influence on you since sometime last year. Then it turned backward and began causing your recent problems. Now, however, it continues its forward motion and drives you toward your goals. Financially, things might be a little tight, but if you keep a solid head on your shoulders, things will improve soon.


This week may seem like a good one to let your hair down, but hold on a second. The Sun and Saturn aren’t getting along, so it would be unwise to truly ignore the consequences of your actions. Have fun, but be careful.


You’re restless and tense this week, but perhaps you’re uncertain why. It may have something to do with your health, but focus on your physical and mental health this week. You also might want to reconnect with people you’ve lost touch with.


Your ambition has been high since the beginning of the year, but your execution may have been a little sloppy. You’ve been a little distracted, and those little distractions can lead to big distractions. If you hope to accomplish your goals this year, it’s time to get to work.


A situation at work or home may become intolerable to the point where you have the overwhelming desire to run away. Stay calm and stay put. The situation will either pass or resolve itself if you can just be patient.


Financially, things are looking up. In other areas, however, things are not quite as smooth. Someone in your life thinks they can make your decisions for you to the point where they may be controlling your life. It seems they’ve forgotten that an Aquarius will rarely stand for such treatment. Assert your rights before they’re trampled.


Confusion is to be expected as Mars causes problems in your astrological sign. Normally you’d be well advised to muddle through the confusion, but this time, that course of action will only make it worse. Go with the flow. Mars will eventually go back to minding its own business.

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