Friday, August 10, 2012

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: August 11th to August 17th 2012


If you've seen a few disappointments lately, now is the time to cast them off. You should be less concerned with what others think and more concerned with getting something done. Don't leave something important in the hands of another or you'll be setting yourself up for disappointment. Again. Tackle important projects yourself.


You've been a bit of a worrier lately, but now is the time to let things go. Worry about something you can't change won't help and wastes energy you need elsewhere. A problem at home or at work requires your intervention, and you'll have to be on your toes to work it out. Be clear and concise when dealing with anyone in a high temper.


Resistance is the game this week, Gemini. You'll be tempted in all sorts of ways, and you'll have to resist committing more than you can spare. This is especially true in financial matters. You may be given an opportunity to invest or otherwise commit monies, but don't go full throttle. Hold back just a little.


If you're owed anything, now is the time to collect. Old debts need to be paid, even if you feel generous enough to overlook them. These debts might be financial in nature, but more likely they are favors that you've done in the past. You need a favor or two yourself, so don't hesitate to ask.


If you've felt sluggish and slow this week, now is the time to cast off these feelings. Gather your energy and get on with your life. It's time to put your plans into action and start moving toward your goals. Projects that seemed stalled will get started again if you have the will to see them through.


Things may not have gone well lately, but that doesn't mean luck has abandoned you. Stop doubting yourself and try not to expect too much this week. You might be pleasantly surprised by someone with great ideas and the ability to help you with your own projects.


Forget the turmoil of past weeks. It was mostly due to Mercury and its odd motion anyway, and that influence has faded from your sign. Now your inner abilities can really shine through, especially your ability to sort out things and situation others write off as impossible. You'll build your own reputation if you spend a little time fixing things for others.


A hot temper won't get you anywhere this week, Scorpio. Take a breath and focus on one situation at a time. If you're careful and keep you wits about you, you might find unexpected opportunities hiding in the oddest places. Jump at the chance if it looks solid, but make sure you have a backup plan.


You can get everything you want and your plans can actually get off the ground, but only if you're willing to compromise. And really compromise, not just make a token effort. Listen to others and really try to see the validity of their ideas. You might even strengthen a friendship while you're bettering your own position.


Two things get better this week -- finances and relationships. Financially, things can straighten out and an investment you've made appears to be ready to pay off. And Venus is busy making your relationships stronger, but only if you're willing to let past confrontations go and move on to better times.


Long term projects that were on the back burner may be given new life this week, Aquarius. this new energy can last for the better part of the next month or so, so take advantage of it. But while your focused on your own little projects, a problem in your personal life crops up. Deal with it quickly and with sensitivity and it will fade before the week is out.


Mars is going to help you take the bull by the horns and get some things done, but only if you're willing to make the effort. Problems and obstacles will show up, seemingly out of nowhere. Deal with these quickly and as efficiently as possible and you'll find that your problems aren't really problems at all.

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