Saturday, December 31, 2011

Astrological Planets: Neptune in Brief

The symbol of the astrological planet of Neptune represents the crescent of the individualized soul impaled on the cross of matter. Neptune is closely associated with the messages of ego-denial, selfless love, sacrifice, and a faith in the unseen. Sometimes this inspiring ego-denial for a higher cause becomes perverted by fear into self-destructive, escapist tendencies like suicide, drug and alcohol addiction, and a defeatist attitude.

The true home of the soul is not the material world. Science has yet to pinpoint how and where the mind, emotions, and body interconnect. The soul has its origins beyond the material world, and it is this concept that is represented by the planet Neptune. While Saturn represents what we normally think of as reality, Neptune represents the reality that is beyond our senses. In other words, it represents the true home of the soul, whatever we define that to be.

This other world is beyond time and space. It is the world of intuition, mental telepathy, and ESP (extrasensory perception) of all kinds. Neptune, in classical Roman mythology, was the god of the oceans. When you put your foot into the sea you are connected to all the oceans in the world as well as all the continents. In this way, Neptune represents a constant connection to all that is.

When you are attuned to the subtle vibrations of the world represented by Neptune, you are connected to all there is, all that was, and all that will be. The unenlightened call this mysticism, illusion, or even delusion. But Neptune rules all that cannot be seen, and so much more. It rules oils, essences, gasses, veils, films, and all those things you might consider to be mysterious.

The energies of the planet Neptune can be difficult to use in the material world without perversion. Just when you think you understand, your understanding dissolves and you get distracted by a new wonder or a previously-concealed mystery. Neptune is the planet of distraction. Neptune rules the feet, which are connected to all the other parts of the body (according to the science of reflexology). So, in a sense, Neptune rules the entire body.

Qualities associated with the astrological planet Neptune include: ego-denial, otherworldly qualities, spirituality, inspiration, faith, idealism, fantasy, imagination, dreams and dreamlike states, clouds, confusion, delusion, illusion, deception, weakness, dissolution, sacrifice, surrender, suffering, martyrdom, escape, and addiction.

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