Friday, December 2, 2011

Weekly Astrological Horoscopes: December 3rd to December 9th 2011


You might get the feeling that everyone else is having fun while you’re tending to your duties, Aries. The natural resolution of this thought process is to resent your obligations. Hang in there. This isn’t the time to ignore your responsibilities. All your hard work will pay off and soon you’ll be enjoying yourself.


Mercury is still retrograde, so take care this week, Taurus. You might find yourself unusually frustrated by just about anything, but most especially by those things that just seem to take forever to come to a resolution. Instead of focusing on what’s frustrating you, look beyond your frustrations and take the opportunity to learn a valuable lesson.


Some is about to teach you a valuable lesson in patience, Gemini. Someone close to you may be getting on your nerves, pushing you to the brink, but your relationship with this person isn’t worth losing your temper. Take a deep breath and remember how much you care about the people who can sometimes irritate you.


Your week may be a series of small problems, Cancer. If you want to avoid them, pay attention to small details you didn’t think would matter. If you can’t avoid them, face them head on and they’ll turn out to be less serious than you feared. Don’t forget to set aside some time to enjoy yourself, or you might find yourself overtired.


Try not to get so caught up in the little things that you stress out, Leo. You’ve been working hard and are overdue for a break. Make sure you take some time to relax and put your feet up. Read a book, watch a movie, play a game … anything that will help you toss aside the stress of the week. You deserve it.


You might find yourself frustrated and impatient this week, Virgo. Try not to take this out on other people. Find someone you can talk to about whatever it is that’s bothering you. This might be a trusted friend or family member, or possibly a professional. But don’t let it fester or you’ll find yourself and those around you paying for it in the weeks to come.


Question the motives of others this week, Libra. You’ll hear many things, some good, some not so good, but not all of it will be true. Take a long, hard look at the source of information and think carefully before deciding to trust what you’ve heard. Even those close to you can sometimes be spiteful.


Money may be important to you this week, Scorpio. Don’t overextend your finances and try to collect any debts owed to you before you get into real financial difficulty. If a friend tries to borrow money, consider both your ability to afford to help and what the money will be used for before you make a firm decision.


Tackle plans one at a time, Sagittarius. If you simply each task and break it down into smaller parts, you’ll accomplish more than you thought possible. Someone close to you at work or at home might be getting in the way, however. Don’t fight this person more than absolutely necessary. Try to let the storm blow over without getting in its way.


Your confidence might take a hit this week, Capricorn. Things seem to be beyond your control, taking on a life of their own. This isn’t always a bad thing, but it might be hard to accept that your immediate future might not be up to you. Try to roll with the punches right now and focus on the future, for future plans will work out just fine.


Of all the signs, you’re the idealistic one, Aquarius. But right now you need to face reality. Life isn’t perfect, the world isn’t perfect, and neither are you. Try to accept the world for what it is and work with the reality you’ve been given. On another front, your political and conniving nature may take over for the week, putting off someone close to you.


This is a week of mixed messages, Pisces. You might find yourself having to choose between staying in your comfort zone and taking a risk. If you really feel the need to take a risk, go for it; it will probably pay off. But you’ll need confidence to succeed, so if you’re uncertain, don’t do it. You can always move beyond your comfort zone another week.

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