Friday, March 9, 2012

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Details of Leo

The fifth of the sun signs is Leo, and those born between July 23rd and August 22nd are often under its influence. Leo can be enthusiastic, powerful, and a little dogmatic, but this is often just a way to mask an inner creativity and generosity. Though the personality of Leo is often discussed when speaking of astrology, very often the details that are responsible for determining this personality are ignored.

The Leo Personality

When determining the personality profile for anyone born under a specific sign, there are many factors that must be considered. In regards to the sign of Leo, these factors come together to describe someone who is full of energy, expansive, creative, and very often fixed in opinion.

Leo is a fixed, masculine fire sign. Masculine signs are outwardly directly and strong through action. Fixed signs are resistant to change but incredibly persistent. Those born under a fire sign are active, passionate, and enthusiastic. All this indicates a person who might be known for their expansion viewpoint, passionate nature, and inability to accept other ideas once their own mind has been made up.

Leo is ruled by the Sun. In astrology, the Sun is the most powerful planetary influence. It is the center of the solar system and burns with an intense fire that is rarely harnessed. Those born under a sign ruled by the Sun are usually full of vitality and have a strong desire to exert their authority over all those around them, proving their dominance.

The primary symbol of Leo is the Lion. The lion is brave and dominating, but he tends to leave most of the work to the lionesses. This trait is sometimes passed on to those born under the Lion’s influence, possibly indicating someone who is indolent. But the Lion is also prideful and noble, and Leos tend to reflect this in their dealings with other people. The glyph (written symbol) of Leo represents two incomplete circles of the Sun joined by a crescent Moon. Those ruled by the sign of Leo are likely to derive their own personal power from both intellect and emotions, attempting to marry these two things, and often succeeding.

The Correspondences of Leo

Each sign rules a particular part of the body. Leo rules the back, spine, and heart. People born under the sign of Leo may be prone to emotional or physical overexertion. In some cases this may lead to back and spine problems, and perhaps even significant cardiovascular difficulties later in life.

Sunday is considered the luckiest day for Leos, as are the numbers eight and nine. Rubies are associated with this sign as they are said to protect against physical injury, which is a bonus for many impulsive Leos. In a more traditional sense, rubies are thought to insure faithfulness and bring the wearer a sense of mental serenity.

Some of the other correspondences of Leo include:
  • Gold and orange, the colors of the Sun;
  • Cities such as Damascus, Hollywood, Prague, and Rome;
  • Countries such as France, Italy, and Romania;
  • Orange, grapefruit, lime, and other citrus trees;
  • Sunflowers and marigold;
  • Gold; and
  • All cats, both domestic and wild.
Many of the details of Leo are associated with power and vitality. Those born under the sign of Leo may be bombastic and challenging, and might tend towards unknowingly provoking others. They also are prone towards being the victims of slander. For the most part, however, Leo is an extravagant yet intelligent sign.

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