Friday, March 2, 2012

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Personality of Leo

Those born between July 23rd and August 22nd are born under the sign of Leo, the fifth of the sun signs. This sign symbolizes exuberance and pride. Leo is the sign of the Lion, and individuals with this trait often express the words “I will.”

The true practice of astrology is much more complex than simply interpreting sun signs. Factors such as aspects, moon signs, and houses must also be considered when creating a birth chart.

The Character of Leo

Leos tend to be possessive to the point where they will create their own kingdom. This kingdom may be large or small and can take many different forms. It might be a home, a creative work, a career, or even a lover who is considered property, a part of a kingdom. Whatever this kingdom is, a true Leo will likely rule it without question, for good or ill. Leos are usually self-assured and secure in their role in life — that of a monarch.

If you are a Leo, it is likely that you insist on being the center of attention. You are probably a born entertainer, well-spoken, witty, and vivacious. You are like a magnet, drawing in all those around you.

As a Leo, you are often quite flamboyant, despising the ordinary way of things. When the excitement you need is not immediately forthcoming, you tend to create your own. You probably love to do everything in a big way, and are a lavish spender. When you entertain, you do so royally, possibly earning a reputation as a wonderful host and party-giver.

In true Leo form, you tend to believe that nothing is too good for you. You want to enjoy life to its fullest, regardless of the possible costs. Because you likely want what you want when you want it, haggling or bargaining is not easy for you.

The Sign of Leo and Its Relationship With Others

Because of your own loyal and honest nature, you have a difficult time believing ill of others. If insulted or injured, you tend to retaliate quickly, but then forgive and forget. In many ways, you are like the sun itself — brightening the lives of others by your very presence, radiating energy and expecting other to bask in your warmth.

You probably make a wonderful friend, willing to do almost anything in return for a little praise and flattery. Because you likely hold yourself in high esteem, you do not stop to wonder if this flattery is sincere, accepting it as your right. Because you are too proud to ask for the appreciation and adoration you so desperately need, you tend to suffer from a wounded ego.

In business matters, Leos usually assume that they are in command. However, a true Leo is usually willing to work hard, not asking more of others than they ask of themselves. Leos do not avoid confrontations, but meet them head on, anticipating the challenge. If you are a Leo, you are likely ambitious, but not ruthless.

Others may find it difficult to dislike you. You may have a tendency to be overbearing, controlling, and a little lazy, but your sunny disposition is too hard to resist. Without Leos, the world would lose some of its sparkle.

Leo is a combination of exuberance, pride, ambition, and magnetism. Those born under this sign may appear lazy, but they are inherently loyal. The correspondences of Leo are a powerful influence on this sign, contributing to the pure excitement that is Leo.

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