Friday, December 7, 2012

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Personality of Virgo

Those born between August 23rd and September 22nd are born under the sign of Virgo, the sixth of the sun signs. This sign symbolizes conscientiousness and gentleness. Virgo is the sign of the Virgin, and individuals with this trait often express the words "I analyze."

The Character of Virgo

There is little to no external drama for Virgo. To the outside world Virgo usually appears calm and control, but what's happening on the inside really tells the story. Virgos are prone to feeling restless, nervous, and intense about any situation, though they hide it well. With a desire to be and doing something, whether its rearranging the living room or sneaking some work in, Virgo has the ability to exhaust him or herself simply by thinking too much about those things that need to be done.

If you are a Virgo, you are ruled by the planet Mercury. This gives you the inclination toward constant activity, even if that activity is purely mental. You may occasionally (or even frequently) experience the ceaseless drive to accomplish something and you're probably a perfectionist. Virgos lack the ability to put things off until tomorrow. They have to get things done, and they have to do them now.  Organization is a holy word to a true Virgo, and this allows you to get more done than most people can imagine.

You like to bring order out of chaos, even in your personal life. You have the capacity to love, and to love well, but love alone isn't enough for you. Many people would be satisfied with love, home, children, and friends. Not a true Virgo. If you're a true Virgo you have the need to justify your life, to be ready to explain who you are and what you're doing with your talents.

Intelligence is part of the bargain with most Virgos. Like the astrological symbol of a virgin gathering wheat, a Virgo gathers knowledge and information, putting facts together so they have a practical use. A great memory and an analytical mind work together to problem solve as quickly as possible. But the analytical is not the only focus of the sharp-witted Virgo. Human motivation is also important and well understood by those with a true Virgo leaning.

You tend to do well financially because you realize that money really does matter and don't bother to pretend it doesn't. You might criticize your own financial ability, but you're great at sticking to a budget and you aren't tempted by foolish ventures and whims. You want to indulge yourself and you demand the best, but you rarely go over budget and you know how to find a bargain on those things you really want.

The Sign of Virgo and Its Relationship With Others

You are not necessarily a leader, but you are the go-to person for many people. They like to check their plans with you before setting off in any direction because you have the natural ability to spot flaws and help correct them. Virgos also make good diplomats and can help others sort out muddled thoughts. Reason and facts rule the day, and everyone knows this about you. So you are often sought out by others. You have no tolerance for those who make emotional judgements and they're not fond of you. But you're well loved by others.

You do tend to be preoccupied with neatness and organization, and this can sometimes limit your vision and keep you from seeing the whole picture. Your dependence on logic can sometimes leave you short on inspiration, and others can clearly see when you are floundering. You can annoy others with your need to look back and analyze a situation that didn't work when you should just move on in a new direction. But luckily Virgo is a mutable sign, so you do have the ability to change with a little urging. This is where you need the support of friends and family, for change can be hard on a sign devoted to plans and logic.

If Virgo has a true flaw, it's the tendency to complicate the simplest of things. Even a simple and straightforward problem is something to be solved. Others find this trait frustrating, especially when a solution to the problem at hand is evident to all.

Despite all these traits, Virgos are naturally shy and reserved. It may be hard for you to relax and enjoy the company of others, especially in groups. You might prefer one-on-one, and not just because you're more comfortable. It is in this setting that others can more readily discover how intelligent, well-read, witty, charming, and perceptive you are. It is in small one-on-one settings that you make your real friends.

Unfortunately, Virgo does tend to be hypercritical of everything and everyone. You'll continue to analyze people and situations when it's no longer necessary simply because you're constantly hoping to improve things. This can make you unhappy when you realize that everything is ultimately imperfect, and you might find yourself socially withdrawing from time to time. And you don't take criticism well. You prefer others look elsewhere when searching for faults and you hate admitting you might be wrong.

Most Virgos tend to be health-conscious people, especially when their focus is on the physical. Seeing a doctor and even a dentist regularly is part of the normal routine for a Virgos. But Virgos like to worry, so many of them are hypochondriacs and may make more visits to the doctor than strictly necessary.

A gentle, loving, and warm relationship is the desire of most Virgos, and when it's found it brings out the best in anyone born under this sun sign. When you can find a mate you can truly engage with, your qualities of kindness, devotion, and gentleness rise from the depths. You're there for those you love in any way you feel you can be of service. 

Those born under this sign may sometimes appear aloof and intellectual, but under it all they are loving and devoted. The correspondences of Virgo are a powerful influence on this sign, contributing to the pure dependability that is Virgo.

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