Friday, February 8, 2013

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Personality of Sagittarius

Those born between November 22nd and December 21 are born under the sign of Sagittarius, the ninth of the sun signs. This astrological sign symbolizes powerful and unrelenting optimism. Sagittarius is the sign of the archer, and individuals with this trait tend to express themselves through the words "I see."

The Character of Sagittarius

If you are ruled by the sign of the archer, you may appear to flow through life untouched by hardship. Sagittarius is the sign of luck, of those people who always seem to be in the right place at the right time and know how to take advantage of the nuances of a situation. These traits tend to result in someone who is cheery and happy most of the time. Like everyone, Sagittarians have their dark side, but these moments pass quickly. You might momentarily be upset when something doesn't go your way, but you don't really dwell on it, allowing you to move forward quickly.

Sagittarius cannot be held or confined against their will. They are independent to a fault and are adventurous to the point where they can get themselves into trouble. You like to wander and hate being tied down, and you have no desire to change this. You truly believe that the grass is greener on the other side, and you'll do anything to get there.

If you're a true Sagittarius, you'll probably have the constant urge to follow knowledge wherever it may take you. You follow this knowledge through and you are always searching for wisdom. In fact, the ancients considered Sagittarius the sign of the explorer and the philosopher, and true Sagittarians are usually both.

You don't like to meddle in the affairs of others, and you expect the same courtesy be extended to you. You're not typically possessive or jealous, but your ire can be aroused if others try to impose their beliefs or values on you. "Life and let live" is a way of life for you.

There tend to be an excess of Sagittarians involved in communication careers. You can find this sign in many positions in TV stations, publishing houses, and radio stations, among other things. Most individuals born under this sign have a hearty sense of humor and are normally in high spirits. Practical jokes have some appeal, and almost all Sagittarians are wonderful storytellers and conversationalists. Many entertainers and speakers of all kinds have been born under this sign, including such gifted persons as Woody Allen, Jane Austen, Walt Disney, Bette Midler, Mark Twain, and Dick Van Dyke.

Sagittarius is one of the most versatile signs, and those falling under its influence tend to be good at many different things. If you're a Sagittarius, you're likely the Jack-of-all-Trades of the astrological world. The problem is that you're always looking for something new and tend to set off to work on a new project before you're done with the old one. You do become bored, but that's not why you move on. You are simply compelled to by your very nature.

The Sign of Sagittarius and Its Relationship With Others

Sagittarians hate to be tied down and tend to have difficulty maintaining long term relationships. This sign tends to wander and cut ties of a romantic nature, though many Sagittarians can and do become involved in profound relationships. It's simply not the norm, but it is possible.

Despite this, Sagittarius makes a good and loyal friend. They are kind and free of malice, and always willing to lend a hand when necessary while expecting nothing in return. As they hate being tied down, so they hate tying down others. There will be nothing owed to a Saggitarius, but a return favor would be appreciated by this openhearted sign.

Business relationships tend to go well while they last. If you're a Sagittarius, you tend to be clever and imaginative. You readily adapt to new ways of doing things and are willing to use all the tools at your disposal. You don't like menial tasks, preferring projects that allow you some risk. You have an innate belief in your own luck, making you willing to risk much to get ahead. Since this usually pays off, your belief is well founded.

Like the arrow of the archer, you are open, frank, and straightforward. You don't play games and you are sometimes cruel in your honesty. Most appreciate this tendency towards the truth because they don't have to spend time figuring out what you really mean. Some resent you for speaking the unvarnished truth, but this doesn't stop you from speaking it. Of course, you don't appreciate it when the shoe is on the other foot since you tend to be thin-skinned and take offense easily.

Sagittarians can be wasteful, reckless, irresponsible, and extravagant. You tend to miss appointments and deadlines and often leave tasks unfinished, mostly because you simply forgot. You can be a little shallow and have a problem making commitments. Despite all this, you're one of the most likable astrological signs. You may be unreliable, but since everyone knows that and you don't bother to hide it, you're not deceiving anyone. Others enjoy being around you, and you enjoy the company.

Cheerful, charming, and pure fun to be around, Sagittarius truly lives life. You pursue your passions and change with the wind, somehow coming out on top even against all the odds.

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