Friday, February 22, 2013

The Astrological Sun Signs: The Personality of Capricorn

Those born between December 22nd and January 19th are born under the sign of Capricorn, the tenth of the sun signs. This intriging astrological sign represents steadiness and cunning. Capricorn is the sign of the goat, and individuals with this trait tend to express themselves though the words "I use."

The Character of Capricorn

Capricorns are almost as ambitious as Aries, and the sign of the goat spends much of its life in pursuit of its destiny. A desire for money, status, success, authority, position, and even for love dominates the world of Capricorn. If you're a Capricorn, your life may feel like one great question.

Capricorns are highly practical as well as being initiators, so you're likely a good leader if you're born under this sign. Time is a valuable commodity to you, and this makes you organized and an excellent planner of even the most complex operations. Only Capricorn is capable of infinite patience. You can wait as long as necessary when it comes to the pursuit of your goals and you rarely lose interest.

You might be steady and patient, but you can also be a little too stern and certainly too melancholy. You live for responsibility, restriction, and discipline. You are born striving for success, and you'll give up much in the pursuit of your dreams. Capricorn, more than any other sign, realizes that the real world exists and must be dealt with. You may allow yourself little time for the smaller pleasures in life, but this doesn't bother you. You have bigger things on your mind.

As a Capricorn, you have great faith in your own abilities. You know you can depend on yourself and often refuse to depend on anyone else. Others may see you as cold and distant, but that's only because they don't understand. You might be self-sufficient, but you are also sensitive and caring and ready to lend a shoulder to cry on at a moment's notice. You're not as somber as others seem to think. In fact, you have a sense of humor that's just waiting to burst forth. You just know when it's appropriate and when you have to focus on the bigger picture.

Capricorn and Its Relationship With Others

You are particular and painstaking in your career and always set out with a plan. If there's any sign that knows what it's going, it's Capricorn. It takes  you a little longer to assess a situation, especially when it concerns your carerr, but this means you're less likely to make rash decisions. This usually leads to success in business, and often draws the jealously of others. You're good with money and tend to accumulate wealth in your later years, and you're not quiet about it. You're not exactly boastful, but you don't hide it either. This can kindle resentment in others.

You're concerned with safety and tend to be materialistic. You can be spiteful and even mean towards those who get in your way, so making friends can be difficult for this sun sign. You are prideful, almost as prideful as Leo, and you suffer from an inability to forgive. Once a friendship has been shattered, it is almost always lost for good. As a Capricorn, you tend not to mourn this less, instead chosing to move forward and focus on the future.

Pride is a great motivator for the sun sign of Capricorn, so you do repay favors done to you. But you won't if you think your pride may take a hit, so others may see you as capricious. You don't like to be indebted and will do much to put things right, but not if your reputation is at stake.

If there's a sign that might be prompted to marry for position or money, it's Capricorn. This isn't to say you will not marry for love, but love isn't enough. Capricorn also has a need to be in control, so you tend to be the dominate partner in romantic relationships. You don't like being vulnerable and you have difficulty trusting another person. This may lead to constantly testing the loyalty of others, especially those closest to you. When this drives others away, you shrug your shoulders and move on, earning you the reputation of being a loner. Despite this, you crave appreciation and even love. But the universe will stop turning before you'd admit it!

Capricorns are layers of masks, making it difficult for others to get to know you. You are self-contained, but others read this as indifferent and out of touch. Those who take the time to dig through the layers will be richly rewarded as Capricorn is capable of true loyalty and love. You also stick around no matter what, making you a fierce friend.

Reserved, patient, and disciplined, Capricorns move through life ready to seize an opportunity. If you're a Capricorn, you follow your passions and pursue your dreams with surefooted determination.

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